Commercial architects are those who prepare specifications and designs for commercial buildings. This includes factories, offices, shopping malls, retail outlets, air terminals, hotels, sports leisure activities, and hospitals. These hospitals do not design any homes and told maximum employment opportunities in the world of architects. Their jobs are versatile and considered of high value. To understand the roles and responsibilities of top architects in commercial building designs, keep reading this post.

Coordinate With Clients

When a project begins, most architects meet their clients in order to understand the requirement and discuss them in detail. Architects also present and prepare these initial proposals which often come in a sketch design form. The first proposals are usually in the form of designs. The first few proposals may also include feasibility studies. 

Design Development

As the project continues, they also maintain strong communication with their clients and provide all detailed plans, budgets, schedules, specifications, etc. They also provide the client with progress reports and arrange meetings that could be used to resolve issues or problems occurring within the construction or design phase. Apart from that, architects also design all the elements that comply with health & safety regulations. Once the designs are approved, architects also understand the specifications in detail and form contracts depending on estimates from the contractors. 

Estimation of costs

Cost estimation is also crucial at this time as it allows people to manage and control projects in a more efficient manner. Architects are able to visualize and understand the whole structure of the building and create more innovative designs as well as ideas for the industry of construction. However, they will also need some structural design as well as installation. Best architects also should never underestimate the cost of materials during the time of construction.


Architects carry out the job of creating drawings and well as testing how feasible the project is. Usually, this is done by hand. However, modern CAD and BIM software also improve the process significantly. Multiple revisions and drawings are done during this session and sometimes changes are incorporated into the budget, regulations, and needs.  The blueprints also guide the builders to produce the desired structure, which includes mechanical, structural plan buildings. Following the design also gives you a proposal that helps you understand the cost estimates as well as the timescale.

Managing All The Architecture Projects

Construction companies also hire an architect because they are able to advise clients on choosing the right contractors so that better negotiations can be made in the contract. When the construction phase continues, many commercial architects also supervise and coordinate with contractors and sub-contractors in order to build more quality standards. They also set schedules, monitor the progress, and manage all the contracts to make sure the project is well managed and completed on time.

Skills and Duties Of An Architect

 Now that we are done understanding the role of an architect in commercial design, let’s take a look at some of the skills that this profession must include:

Customer Service

It is crucial for architects to develop manners and social skills as they happen to be the 1st professionals who work with a client on a project. Since they work closely with clients during projects, the architects should possess perfect written and oral communication skills.


Architects should be able to plan, design as well as develop concepts so that they can construct plans as well as technical documents. They should be based on the ideas and requirements of the client. 


Architects should learn about the various codes, safety regulations, innovations in construction, and city laws that may affect designs. Since such regulations are always in evolution, they should be up to date with major laws and requirements.

Technology Knowledge

Architects have to be well trained in modeling the software techniques like BIM. This will also help them remain competitive in the industry, which is becoming highly technological these days. 

By simply working together, many civil engineers, architects, and others are able to find innovative ways to meet the requirements and vision of the clients. Managing a good working relationship between both these professionals can lead to more successful projects. 

Article Name
The Architect's Role in Commercial Building Design
Commercial architects are those who prepare specifications and designs for commercial buildings. This includes factories, offices, shopping malls, retail outlets, air terminals, hotels, sports leisure activities, and hospitals. These hospitals do not design any homes and told maximum employment opportunities in the world of architects. Their jobs are versatile and considered of high value. To understand the roles and responsibilities of top architects in commercial building designs, keep reading this post.
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Raj Architects
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