The restaurant industry has transformed massively in the past couple of decades. It is constantly evolving and changing. Several restaurants serve the most delicious of cuisine but they are unable to keep up with the decor. Restaurant owners also feel overwhelmed and intimidated by projects that are expensive and time-consuming. But also doesn’t mean that you won’t get your restaurant to look good. We have lined up a few changes that can change how customers perceive the restaurant and its overall appearance. Here are super easy ways you can try today to redesign your restaurant despite being on a budget.
Table cloths are not a necessity
We like to think tablecloths are a necessity when it comes to restaurant interior design, but they aren’t. Linens are perfect for weddings, banquets, catered events, but you can use them in a restaurant and it can be costly. Regular pressing and cleaning can add up to the costs. Plus, tablecloths can give a bad message to customers. They can think the establishment is too fancy and expensive. Instead of keeping a complete linen service, you can add some formality instead of just overdoing it. Roll the silverware inside the napkin makes the setting nice. Linen napkins can also be washed and dried.
Have a casual dress code
Having a casual dress code also gives a more pleasant and friendly vibe than having a fancy suit and tie. Suit and ties are expensive and give a very luxurious vibe that might intimidate some people. So, instead of having them, keep it simple. Use a plain t-shirt, button-down shirts or heavy-duty shirts. Also, keeping the staff wearing t-shirts works for customers at the same time. You can also tell them to dress in their clothes, which is the cheapest and easiest way to get the job done for you.
Have your menu
Instead of getting the menus ready by a professional restaurant interior designer and then getting them laminated, get your menu done from a PC or a printer. There are several options available with publishing software where you customize a menu that will fit in with the restaurant’s image without making it done professionally. One of the best ways to get it done is by using kids drawings, front and back of the menu at the same time. You can also draw your version of the restaurant. Instant art can make a world of difference.
The light can be done in a more creative manner
Changing the lighting can make a world of difference and have a massive impact on the ambiance. More light will give the establishment a more welcoming atmosphere along with dimmer dining space that creates a romantic and intimate feeling. There are several ways to change the lighting within the establishment. Mood lighting, pendant lamps create a diffused lighting environment and candles can create a romantic atmosphere. Adjusting the lighting in the dining area with blinds and curtains can help you create a more decorative and ornate look without spending a lot of money.
Be as imaginative as you want to be
You can also be imaginative and make your restaurant look so perfect as if it’s done by some interior designer. Simple and easy decorations such as putting a painting up can put a dent in your pocket. When you plan to design a restaurant, never be afraid to do something that is out of the box and unique. If you want to come up with a cool and easy restaurant interior design idea, you can also ask your friends to give you noteworthy advice.
Several restaurant owners put off decorating their homes because they feel it needs a lot of expensive renovations. However, making a few small and simple changes in the restaurant can change how the customers see you in the restaurant. If you keep all the tips mentioned above in mind you will be able to drastically improve the design and look of the restaurant. So make sure to try all of them. And if you have thoughts and ideas you would like to suggest, drop them down in the box below and we would love to get back to you.